Student Loans without a Cosigner
There is often a common assumption that you cannot obtain student loans without a cosigner. This is actually not the case. Far too frequently, many college students feel they must have someone cosign their student loan in order to obtain the funding they need to complete their education.
It is a large responsibility for someone to agree to cosign a student loan for you. This is because they will become responsible for paying the loan in the event you should default on it. It is precisely for this reason that many college students feel it is too embarrassing to ask family or friends to cosign a student loan for them. If you should experience a problem with paying back your loan, this can lead to a strained relationship and can sometimes even destroy the relationship. Other college students often do not have anyone that can cosign a student loan for them.
Ultimately, there can be far less problems and hassles if you choose to use a no cosigner student loan. The Federal government provides backing for these loans. These loan programs have been specifically designed to make it as easy as possible for college students to obtain the funding they need if they have a desire to attend college. One of the great benefits of a no cosigner Federal student loan is that you do not have to worry about passing a credit check. While you will not need to go through a credit check for a no cosigner student loan, you will be required to complete a FAFSA. This will help to determine the amount of your financial need, which is necessary as federal student loans are need-based loans.
Parents of college students who need assistance in paying for the cost of their children’s educations can also take advantage of PLUS loans. It should be kept in mind that these loans are not need-based. As a result, PLUS loans are also no cosigner loans. You will need to put up collateral for these loans, but you can also enjoy a low fixed interest rate. You will need to have good credit to qualify for this type of loan though.
Another option you can benefit from when looking for student loans without a cosigner needed is a private lender. The most important point to keep in mind when looking for a private no cosigner student loan is to work with a lender with a good reputation. The best option is to apply with the same bank that handles your savings account, checking account or other accounts.
This is because they will be most familiar with you and you will have a greater chance of being approved for a no cosigner student loan. You will also have an even greater opportunity of being approved if you have had an account with them for several years. This will also demonstrate to the bank that you are responsible and will be more likely to repay your loan on time. This can oftentimes be enough for the bank to agree to approve you for a no cosigner student loan.
As you can see, there are options available for student loans without a cosigner involved. The cost of attending college can certainly be high and are growing each and every day. Even so, the stability and return on your investment that a college degree can provide certainly cannot be denied. As such, it is a wise investment.
Student loans without a cosigner are often the best way to obtain the help you need without relying on anyone else. Regardless of whether you do not have anyone who can cosign a student loan for you or you do not wish to involve anyone else, no cosigner student loans can provide you with the funding you need to complete your education.
Of course, keep in mind that it is always best to try to find grants or scholarships first so that you do not have to burden yourself with a mound of student debt that will need to be paid back in the future. When you do take out a no cosigner student loan, be sure to carefully consider the amount of money you really need so you will not borrow more than necessary an accumulate an unmanageable amount of debt.